To assure that Payden & Rygel meets their fiduciary responsibilities as an investment adviser, we have in place policies and procedures to support our ESG & Stewardship efforts

Payden & Rygel Conflicts of Interest Policy

Payden & Rygel Proxy Voting Policy

Payden & Rygel Exclusion Statement

Payden & Rygel is a signatory to the Financial Reporting Council’s UK Stewardship Code:

TCFD Report

UK Stewardship Code Report

In addition to our applicable firm wide policies, Payden & Rygel and affiliated companies have been appointed as investment manager/adviser to various EU domiciled collective investment schemes. Payden manages many of these investments so that they can be designated as Article 8 financial products pursuant to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (EU 2019/2088). Payden has further been appointed by certain clients under separately managed accounts to manage assets in accordance with SFDR Article 8.

SFDR Policies