Payden Global Emerging Markets Bond Fund (Hard Currency) (PAEHCUA ID)

Base Share Class: USD

Share Class
  • Overview
  • Portfolio Statistics
  • Performance & Expenses
  • Fund Commentary
Investment Strategy

Share Class Snapshot - 31 January 2025
Fund Inception Date May 5, 2022
Share Class Inception Date May 5, 2022
ISIN Number IE00BHX5Q577
Sedol Number BHX5Q57
Fund Total Net Assets $70.5 million
Benchmark JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Bond Index
Currency Share Classes Available CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NOK, SGD, USD
Management Fee 0.50%
Total Expense Ratio 0.63%
Investment Minimum $1,000,000 initial

Unless otherwise indicated, all listed data represents past performance. There is no guarantee of future performance, nor are fund shares guaranteed. Funds are issued by Payden & Rygel Global, Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The investment products and services of Payden & Rygel are not available in the United Kingdom to private investors. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and an investor may get back less than the amount that has been invested. Income from an investment may fluctuate in value in money terms. Changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of an investment to go up or down.

Portfolio Characteristics - 31 January 2025
Fund Inception Date May 5, 2022
Share Class Inception Date May 5, 2022
Total Net Assets $70.5 million
Average Duration 6.5 years
Average Maturity 10.7 years
Yield to Maturity (hedged) 7.98%
Duration Breakdown
Years Percent of Portfolio
Total 100%
Credit Breakdown
Credit Quality Percent of Portfolio
BB and Below61%
Total 100%
Sector Breakdown
Sector Percent of Portfolio
Government/Gov't Related80%
Money Markets7%
Total 100%
Country Breakdown
Country Percent of Portfolio
United States4.6%
Dominican Republic3.9%

Unless otherwise indicated, all listed data represents past performance. There is no guarantee of future performance, nor are fund shares guaranteed. Funds are issued by Payden & Rygel Global, Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The investment products and services of Payden & Rygel are not available in the United Kingdom to private investors. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and an investor may get back less than the amount that has been invested. Income from an investment may fluctuate in value in money terms. Changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of an investment to go up or down.

Total Returns
YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Since Inception
Quarter-end (12/31/2024) 7.55% 7.55% N/A N/A N/A 5.08%
Month-end (1/31/2025) 1.67% 10.32% N/A N/A N/A 5.55%
Yearly Returns
Management Fee 0.50%
Total Expense Ratio 0.63%

Unless otherwise indicated, all listed data represents past performance. There is no guarantee of future performance, nor are fund shares guaranteed. Funds are issued by Payden & Rygel Global, Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The investment products and services of Payden & Rygel are not available in the United Kingdom to private investors. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and an investor may get back less than the amount that has been invested. Income from an investment may fluctuate in value in money terms. Changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of an investment to go up or down.

Fund Commentary - 31 January 2025

Total returns in emerging-markets (EM) debt indices ended 2024 on a weaker note, largely due to rising US Treasury yields, which were linked to the US Federal Reserve’s (Fed’s) more cautious forecast for monetary policy easing in 2025. Despite the headwinds, yields on EM hard-currency sovereign and corporate bond indices narrowed relative to US Treasuries, whilst high-yield rated bonds tended to outperform their investment-grade counterparts. The negative return in EM local markets was due to currencies depreciating against the US dollar, whilst local interest rates only moved modestly higher. Looking back at full-year 2024, EM hard-currency credit posted healthy returns overall, led by high-yield bonds. The interest rate component of EM local markets also delivered positive returns, though currencies declined against a stronger US dollar.

EM countries are starting 2025 on a stronger fundamental footing. On whole, EM growth has been resilient, whilst inflation has fallen closer to normal levels. External accounts are in a good position, with limited balance-of-payments pressures and higher foreign reserves. Also, China’s economic headwinds have not weighed heavily on other EM countries.
EM economies are also benefiting from the credibility of their central bank policies. In 2024, EM central banks began cutting policy rates, but they adopted a cautious approach, ensuring a buffer between their policy rates and inflation. Easier monetary policy by the US Fed has provided additional flexibility for EM policymakers. As a result, EM central banks enter 2025 with the capacity to navigate choppier global waters, should they emerge.
The immediate challenge ahead for EM lies in policy uncertainty in the United States. This uncertainty revolves around the potential for rising trade barriers, the implications of these barriers on inflation and growth, and the subsequent effects on the US dollar. The shift in US trade policy is not entirely new. In recent history, trends such as re-shoring, rising South-South trade, and higher commodity prices have helped mitigate the negative impacts of increased protectionism. Overall, we see balanced risks for EM, with country differentiation likely to gain importance.
Two key structural forces that should continue to benefit EM debt investors are: 1) strong long term growth prospects, and 2) a broadening of investment opportunities including sovereign, corporate, and local-market bonds across roughly 90 countries, spanning various geographies and sectors. In our view, EM debt offers investors useful diversification benefits, with today’s elevated yields presenting a compelling opportunity for generating income over time. Additionally, EM debt also has value relative to peer sectors, and there are opportunities for investment across different countries and sectors.

Unless otherwise indicated, all listed data represents past performance. There is no guarantee of future performance, nor are fund shares guaranteed. Funds are issued by Payden & Rygel Global, Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The investment products and services of Payden & Rygel are not available in the United Kingdom to private investors. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and an investor may get back less than the amount that has been invested. Income from an investment may fluctuate in value in money terms. Changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of an investment to go up or down.