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As of 31/01/2025 Share Class 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR 10 YR Since Inception
Equity Funds
Payden Global Equity Income Fund
USD Unhedged Accumulating 19.07% 8.64% 8.71% 8.04%
GBP Unhedged Distributing 22.03% 11.45% 9.99% 8.77%
Fixed Income Funds
Payden Absolute Return Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 6.00% 3.20% 2.51% 2.72% 2.68%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 4.34% 1.26% 0.85% 0.88% 0.81%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 5.84% 2.74% 1.93% 1.91% 1.98%
CHF Hedged Accumulating 1.59% -0.55% 2.01%
CAD Hedged Accumulating 5.06% 2.61% 2.02% 2.17%
USD Hedged Accumulating (SI) 6.11% 6.50%
GBP Hedged Distributing 5.83% 2.73% 1.91% 1.83%
GBP Hedged Accumulating (SI) 5.95% 6.78%
CHF Hedged Distributing 1.60% -0.58% 1.58%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 5.32% 2.21% 1.62% 1.77%
AUD Hedged Accumulating 5.10% 5.89%
Payden Global Aggregate Bond Fund
NOK Hedged Accumulating 3.39% -1.36% -1.22%
USD Hedged Accumulating 4.22% 5.28%
Payden Global Bond Fund
EUR Hedged Accumulating 0.88% -3.70% -2.75% -0.58% 1.94%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 1.74% -2.92% -1.96% 0.57% 2.98%
USD Hedged Accumulating 2.57% -1.74% -1.13% 1.25% 3.68%
EUR Hedged Distributing 0.87% -3.70% -2.76% -1.11%
Payden Global Emerging Markets Bond Fund
USD Accumulating 7.38% 0.54% 0.15% 2.65% 5.94%
EUR Accumulating 7.75% -1.03% -1.49% 0.73% 2.91%
GBP Accumulating 8.06% 0.03% -0.73% 1.60% 2.61%
EUR Distributing 7.76% -1.02% -0.34%
CHF Accumulating 7.17% -1.96% -2.04% 0.57% 1.12%
Payden Global Emerging Markets Bond Fund (Hard Currency)
GBP Hedged Accumulating 9.96% 0.02% -0.36%
USD Accumulating 10.32% 5.55%
Payden Global High Yield Bond Fund
GBP Hedged Accumulating 8.67% 3.74% 3.50% 3.89% 4.87%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 7.18% 8.36%
USD Hedged Accumulating 8.92% 4.41% 4.27% 4.85% 5.54%
EUR Hedged Distributing 7.18% 8.40%
AUD Hedged Accumulating 7.92% 12.08%
Payden Global Inflation-Linked Bond Fund
GBP Hedged Distributing 1.18% -5.04% -1.58% 0.55% 2.46%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 1.18% -5.06% -1.59% 0.54% 2.13%
EUR Hedged Accumulating -0.61% -6.39% -2.61% -0.49%
USD Hedged Accumulating 1.48% -4.24% -0.74% 1.46% 2.88%
Payden Global Investment Grade Corporate Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 0.67%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 0.57%
EUR Hedged Accumulating -0.04%
Payden Global Short Bond Fund
GBP Hedged Accumulating 4.77% 1.80% 1.12% 0.79%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 4.22% 1.29% 0.90% 1.17% 1.34%
USD Hedged Accumulating 4.96% 2.27% 1.56% 1.77% 2.28%
USD Unhedged Distributing 2.05% 0.62%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 3.29% 0.33% -0.02% -0.03%
Payden Multi Asset Credit Fund
EUR Hedged Accumulating 5.26% 5.84%
USD Hedged Accumulating 6.96% 4.40%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 6.77% 7.30%
Payden US Core Bond Fund
USD Distributing 2.39% -1.59% -0.56% 1.21% 2.70%
Payden USD Low Duration Credit Fund
GBP Hedged Accumulating 4.97% 6.14%
AUD Hedged Accumulating 4.21% 6.51%
USD Accumulating 5.22% 2.52% 1.96% 2.55% 2.56%
GBP Hedged Distributing 4.97% 1.92% 1.32% 1.57%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 3.51% 0.51% 0.27% 0.88%
Index Funds
Payden Global Government Bond Index Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 2.75% -1.41% -0.90% 1.00%
SGD Hedged Distributing 0.82% -2.63% -1.66% 0.74% 1.42%
GBP Hedged Distributing 2.48% -2.05% -1.42% 0.47% 2.30%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 2.48% -2.05% -1.42% 0.46% 2.40%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 1.07% -3.36% -2.49% -0.74%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 1.93% -2.59% -1.62% 0.58% 2.44%
Liquidity Funds
Payden Sterling Reserve Fund
GBP Distributing 5.28% 3.42% 2.16% 1.51% 1.48%
GBP Accumulating 5.28% 3.42% 2.16% 1.52% 1.49%
Payden US Dollar Liquidity Fund
USD Accumulating 5.82% 4.46% 2.99% 2.29% 1.76%

Unless otherwise indicated, all listed data represents past performance. There is no guarantee of future performance, nor are fund shares guaranteed. Funds are issued by Payden & Rygel Global, Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The investment products and services of Payden & Rygel are not available in the United Kingdom to private investors. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and an investor may get back less than the amount that has been invested. Income from an investment may fluctuate in value in money terms. Changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of an investment to go up or down.

As of 31/12/2024 Share Class 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR 10 YR Since Inception
Equity Funds
Payden Global Equity Income Fund
USD Unhedged Accumulating 15.53% 6.35% 7.49% 7.49%
GBP Unhedged Distributing 17.59% 9.15% 8.70% 8.08%
Fixed Income Funds
Payden Absolute Return Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 6.35% 2.78% 2.59% 2.70% 2.65%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 4.69% 0.87% 0.91% 0.88% 0.78%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 6.15% 2.31% 1.98% 1.90% 1.95%
CHF Hedged Accumulating 1.97% -0.86% 2.01%
CAD Hedged Accumulating 5.48% 2.23% 2.11% 2.13%
USD Hedged Accumulating (SI) 6.45% 6.49%
GBP Hedged Distributing 6.14% 2.30% 1.96% 1.78%
GBP Hedged Accumulating (SI) 6.26% 6.76%
CHF Hedged Distributing 1.99% -0.89% 1.57%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 5.58% 1.81% 1.70% 1.72%
AUD Hedged Accumulating 5.36% 5.84%
Payden Global Aggregate Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 3.36% 5.18%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 2.42% -2.04% -1.41%
Payden Global Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 1.86% -2.37% -0.75% 1.42% 3.68%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 0.17% -4.31% -2.39% -0.40% 1.94%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 0.93% -3.54% -1.57% 0.74% 2.98%
EUR Hedged Distributing 0.17% -4.30% -2.40% -1.14%
Payden Global Emerging Markets Bond Fund
USD Accumulating 4.13% -0.72% -0.14% 2.52% 5.88%
EUR Accumulating 4.61% -2.22% -1.76% 0.62% 2.82%
GBP Accumulating 4.36% -1.37% -1.11% 1.42% 2.46%
EUR Distributing 4.63% -2.21% -0.74%
CHF Accumulating 4.49% -2.93% -2.37% 0.45% 1.00%
Payden Global Emerging Markets Bond Fund (Hard Currency)
USD Accumulating 7.55% 5.08%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 7.18% -1.36% -0.75%
Payden Global High Yield Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 7.94% 3.33% 4.07% 4.79% 5.51%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 7.66% 2.65% 3.28% 3.83% 4.83%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 6.23% 8.03%
EUR Hedged Distributing 6.22% 8.07%
AUD Hedged Accumulating 6.83% 11.84%
Payden Global Inflation-Linked Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating -1.00% -5.19% -0.37% 1.70% 2.83%
GBP Hedged Distributing -1.31% -6.00% -1.23% 0.80% 2.41%
GBP Hedged Accumulating -1.31% -6.02% -1.25% 0.78% 2.07%
EUR Hedged Accumulating -3.06% -7.31% -2.26% -0.60%
Payden Global Investment Grade Corporate Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 0.03%
GBP Hedged Accumulating -0.08%
EUR Hedged Accumulating -0.55%
Payden Global Short Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 4.75% 1.93% 1.54% 1.77% 2.27%
USD Unhedged Distributing 0.77% 0.38%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 3.10% 0.02% -0.06% -0.10%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 4.52% 1.45% 1.08% 0.73%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 3.93% 0.97% 0.88% 1.18% 1.30%
Payden Multi Asset Credit Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 7.14% 4.29%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 5.50% 5.80%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 6.96% 7.24%
Payden US Core Bond Fund
USD Distributing 1.44% -2.41% -0.28% 1.33% 2.68%
Payden USD Low Duration Credit Fund
USD Accumulating 4.98% 1.87% 2.02% 2.58% 2.52%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 4.69% 6.07%
AUD Hedged Accumulating 3.87% 6.47%
GBP Hedged Distributing 4.70% 1.27% 1.36% 1.51%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 3.28% -0.10% 0.31% 0.82%
Index Funds
Payden Global Government Bond Index Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 2.12% -1.98% -0.50% 0.99%
SGD Hedged Distributing 0.18% -3.15% -1.23% 0.94% 1.42%
GBP Hedged Distributing 1.82% -2.62% -1.04% 0.66% 2.30%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 1.82% -2.62% -1.04% 0.65% 2.40%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 0.44% -3.91% -2.11% -0.75%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 1.19% -3.14% -1.21% 0.77% 2.43%
Liquidity Funds
Payden Sterling Reserve Fund
GBP Distributing 4.95% 3.11% 2.08% 1.47% 1.45%
GBP Accumulating 4.95% 3.11% 2.08% 1.47% 1.45%
Payden US Dollar Liquidity Fund
USD Accumulating 6.05% 4.28% 2.97% 2.27% 1.74%

Unless otherwise indicated, all listed data represents past performance. There is no guarantee of future performance, nor are fund shares guaranteed. Funds are issued by Payden & Rygel Global, Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The investment products and services of Payden & Rygel are not available in the United Kingdom to private investors. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and an investor may get back less than the amount that has been invested. Income from an investment may fluctuate in value in money terms. Changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of an investment to go up or down.

As of 06/02/2025 Share Class NAV Daily NAV Change % Change YTD Return*
Equity Funds
Payden Global Equity Income Fund
USD Unhedged Accumulating 18.18 0.10 0.56% 5.50%
GBP Unhedged Distributing 16.17 0.22 1.40% 6.43%
Fixed Income Funds
Payden Absolute Return Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 13.61 0.00 0.03% 0.57%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 10.91 0.00 0.02% 0.41%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 12.57 0.00 0.03% 0.60%
CHF Hedged Accumulating 11.00 0.00 0.00% 0.12%
CAD Hedged Accumulating 11.77 0.00 0.02% 0.42%
USD Hedged Accumulating (SI) 10.97 0.00 0.03% 0.58%
GBP Hedged Distributing 8.56 0.00 0.03% 0.59%
GBP Hedged Accumulating (SI) 10.85 0.00 0.03% 0.61%
CHF Hedged Distributing 8.77 0.00 0.00% 0.12%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 114.62 0.04 0.03% 0.57%
AUD Hedged Accumulating 10.79 0.00 0.03% 0.56%
Payden Global Aggregate Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 11.09 0.00 0.02% 1.13%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 96.07 0.02 0.02% 1.14%
Payden Global Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 27.04 0.01 0.04% 0.98%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 15.15 0.00 0.03% 0.82%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 135.48 0.06 0.04% 0.99%
EUR Hedged Distributing 8.14 0.00 0.03% 0.82%
Payden Global Emerging Markets Bond Fund
USD Accumulating 37.00 0.04 0.11% 2.55%
EUR Accumulating 20.21 0.07 0.35% 2.39%
GBP Accumulating 14.70 0.08 0.52% 3.00%
EUR Distributing 7.61 0.03 0.35% 2.39%
CHF Accumulating 10.75 0.04 0.35% 2.26%
Payden Global Emerging Markets Bond Fund (Hard Currency)
USD Accumulating 11.67 0.01 0.11% 2.29%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 9.90 0.01 0.12% 2.30%
Payden Global High Yield Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 35.76 0.03 0.07% 1.50%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 22.98 0.02 0.08% 1.51%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 11.32 0.01 0.06% 1.33%
EUR Hedged Distributing 10.43 0.01 0.06% 1.33%
AUD Hedged Accumulating 11.66 0.01 0.07% 1.48%
Payden Global Inflation-Linked Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 15.67 -0.02 -0.14% 1.93%
GBP Hedged Distributing 10.07 -0.01 -0.13% 1.94%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 13.05 -0.02 -0.13% 1.94%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 9.67 -0.01 -0.14% 1.77%
Payden Global Investment Grade Corporate Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 10.13 -0.01 -0.07% 1.31%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 10.12 -0.01 -0.07% 1.32%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 10.06 -0.01 -0.08% 1.15%
Payden Global Short Bond Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 17.83 0.00 0.03% 0.64%
USD Unhedged Distributing 9.61 -0.01 -0.12% 0.91%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 9.99 0.00 0.02% 0.48%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 10.65 0.00 0.03% 0.67%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 115.86 0.03 0.03% 0.65%
Payden Multi Asset Credit Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 11.36 0.01 0.05% 0.72%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 10.87 0.00 0.04% 0.56%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 11.09 0.01 0.05% 0.74%
Payden US Core Bond Fund
USD Distributing 10.16 -0.01 -0.07% 1.36%
Payden USD Low Duration Credit Fund
USD Accumulating 13.28 -0.01 -0.05% 0.79%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 10.94 -0.01 -0.05% 0.81%
AUD Hedged Accumulating 10.89 -0.01 -0.05% 0.78%
GBP Hedged Distributing 9.05 0.00 -0.05% 0.81%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 10.56 -0.01 -0.06% 0.63%
Index Funds
Payden Global Government Bond Index Fund
USD Hedged Accumulating 10.97 0.00 0.00% 0.84%
SGD Hedged Distributing 9.88 0.00 -0.01% 0.67%
GBP Hedged Distributing 10.78 0.00 0.00% 0.86%
GBP Hedged Accumulating 12.99 0.00 0.00% 0.86%
EUR Hedged Accumulating 9.47 0.00 -0.01% 0.68%
NOK Hedged Accumulating 148.11 0.00 0.00% 0.84%
Liquidity Funds
Payden Sterling Reserve Fund
GBP Distributing 10.14 0.00 0.03% 0.78%
GBP Accumulating 12.41 0.00 0.03% 0.78%
Payden US Dollar Liquidity Fund
USD Accumulating 12.98 0.00 0.00% 0.50%

Unless otherwise indicated, all listed data represents past performance. There is no guarantee of future performance, nor are fund shares guaranteed. Funds are issued by Payden & Rygel Global, Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The investment products and services of Payden & Rygel are not available in the United Kingdom to private investors. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and an investor may get back less than the amount that has been invested. Income from an investment may fluctuate in value in money terms. Changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of an investment to go up or down.